When some content is uploaded to a cloud website hosting account or downloaded from it, some website traffic is generated and that is a characteristic that each and every hosting package has. It's moreover among the features you need to check out, since the amount of site traffic allowance you'll need is based on what you need the account for. The site traffic is mostly produced by downloads including site visits. Basically, anytime someone visits your web site, the pages are downloaded from the server to their computer and they are subsequently shown by their internet browser. It is of course recommendable to know that uploads count too, and any time you copy bigger files from your computer to the server, some web site traffic will be generated too. Different companies can have different names for this feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, however all of them refer to the exact same thing - the exact amount of incoming & outgoing information created for a particular period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting

All our cloud website hosting packages are appropriate for any small to medium-sized website and even a larger variety of sites. Considering that you can host many different domains from a single account, we have designed our plans in such a way so as to provide all of the features you may need. Regardless if you own an individual portfolio web site or an eCommerce website, the monthly site traffic quota that your web site may use will never be an issue. Thus, you'll have the opportunity to extend your online presence and acquire lots of new visitors without having to worry about getting to some limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will give you elaborate details for the traffic usage to and from your account, that will enable you to manage all of your websites and the account more efficiently. You can check hourly, daily and monthly figures, the website traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Due to the fact that our semi-dedicated hosting are quite efficient, we've decided not to put any restriction for the monthly traffic that a given account can generate. It is our understanding that if you need a website hosting package that features a great deal of processing power, your sites will most probably have lots of visitors and since every single visitor produces certain site traffic, one can end up having inaccessible web sites in case there is some cap for this particular characteristic. With truly unrestricted website traffic, you can be sure this can never happen. For your benefit, you can monitor the info being downloaded along with the web site traffic that is generated for each individual domain with monthly, daily and hourly statistics that will give you an idea how popular your websites are. You can even view particular pages and files which have made most of the website traffic in your semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting

With each virtual private server package that you will find here, we supply a unique monthly site traffic quota that depends on how powerful the server is. In this way, we are able to keep our lower-end plans cheaper and give you the option to choose the package you really need depending on your budget and your resource needs. Upgrading from one plan to another is quite simple and takes just a few clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, consequently when you start getting more website visitors at some point soon so you need a higher website traffic quota, you'll be able to move to a superior plan at any time. We'll inform you if you reach 90% of your monthly quota, therefore you will have the required time either to upgrade or to optimise your websites, so as to reduce the outbound site traffic. The VPS plans also come with a server management panel where you can see the amount of traffic has already been used for the month and what amount is left until you reach the allowance cap.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The monthly site traffic allowance that is provided with our dedicated server packages will suit any type of web site whatever its type. Your web applications can make terabytes of website traffic, which ensures that your visitors will never see any sort of error message on your site as a result of inadequate allowance like it can happen with various forms of web hosting. In addition, we leave the possibility to upgrade the site traffic amount open, but it is very unlikely that you will ever need it even if you would like to operate a file sharing site or a video streaming portal. The server administration Control Panel gives you correct live info how much data has been transmitted for the month to date, and how much is left before you reach the limit. We will also alert you any time you reach 90% of the allowance just to be on the safe side and prevent any downtime of your websites. The data in the panel includes the overall traffic, plus software downloads, so that it's more accurate than the one in your current website hosting Control Panel where you are able to see details only about the traffic developed by web content.